We offer a variety of services to our clients including

Self-Discovery Session – $200

Embark on a journey of self-exploration with our dynamic DISC self-discovery session! It is not just about understanding who you are; it is about celebrating every vibrant side of your personality. This session is your personal mirror, reflecting your strengths and opportunities with crystal clarity.  Let's ignite that spark of self-awareness together. Dive deep, rise strong, and celebrate YOU in all your radiant complexity. Yes, this is your call-to-action - your invitation to step into the empowering world of self-discovery. Your journey to unearthing your magical potential starts here! Let's turn the page to your new chapter of self-awareness and empowerment, shall we?

The Experience:

  • Personalized DISC Profile Report
  • 75-minute virtual review session to explore the findings and kick-start your self-discovery journey
Work With Me 1:1 – STYLE Life Coaching Program

Step into your power with our STYLE (Self-Transformation Yielding Life Enhancement) Life Coaching Program! Crafted for women aged 30-55, this program is your ticket to a life of fulfillment and purpose. My STYLE Life Coaching Program is not just about reaching your goals; it is about transforming your life. Your journey towards self-discovery, transcendence, resilience, balance, and enhancement begins here.  Through a five phased approach, we will dig deep beyond the surface obstacles to take action and maximize your growth. This personalized approach empowers you to tackle even the most stubborn issues, with ongoing guidance and support from a seasoned expert throughout the journey.

The Experience:

  • Self-Discovery - Unearth the magic within you! Through a comprehensive personality assessment, we will dive deep into your strengths, opportunities, passions, and purpose. This phase is all about you – understanding who you are at your core and setting the stage for the journey ahead. Ralph Waldo Emerson put it best: "Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be." Let's begin that inspirational journey today.
  • Transcendent - It's time to dream big and set your sights on the horizon. We'll work together to identify your personal goals and craft a detailed roadmap towards them. Your future vision will be aligned with your values and aspirations, making it a journey that's truly your own.
  • Yielding Strength - Roadblocks? No problem. We'll identify potential obstacles in your path and arm you with strategies to overcome them. You'll build strength and resilience, ready to face any challenge head-on.
  • Life Balance - Harmony is key to a fulfilled life. I will help you discover a balanced lifestyle across your priorities, providing resources to fine-tune your daily routines. Remember, balance isn't just crucial – it's a prerequisite for overall well-being.
  • Enhancement - Ready, set, action! We will co-create an actionable plan with clear, measurable, and achievable goals. With established accountability measures and our unwavering support, you'll be equipped to live your best life.


Donielle has been a professional mentor and personal adviser to leaders in key positions at various points of their lives and careers. She has always provided incredibly valuable coaching to me.

Rob D.

Donielle’s coaching changed my life during a very tumultuous time, personally and professionally. She was the mirror I didn’t know I needed that challenged me to really look inward, reflect, and grow - even when I didn’t want to. I would not be the woman I am today without her guidance, her compassion, and her strength. She is pure magic!

Lindsey R.


Together, we’ll cultivate a workforce of fulfilled, proud, and focused team members. More often than not, what’s holding an organization back is not the economy or a lack of opportunity but an over-stressed and disengaged workforce that has lost the desire to go above and beyond collecting their regular paycheck. As team members begin to plateau, the organization as a whole will follow, leading top decision-makers to become overwhelmed with trying to keep their teams motivated. And that's where Statement Style comes in.

Team DISC Training

The DISC assessment helps you and your team discover their personality at work. This session will uncover your group's four DISC personality types to improve communication, productivity, and conflict management. Each of the four DISC personality types is equally valuable, and each has its own strengths and weaknesses. Discovering the types amongst your team will help the group understand how to bring the strongest talents to bear for team success while minimizing blind spots. A certified DISC facilitator with a DISC Profile Report for each participant facilitates this two-hour virtual learning session.

Custom Team DISC Training

A tailored experience for teams that want to improve their cohesiveness and productivity. Each workshop focuses on uncovering what is holding your team back. You'll participate in a pre-workshop consultation to understand current challenges and desired outcomes for your team to shape your experience better.

Get Ready To Be Challenged

Improve your cohesiveness and productivity


To arrange a consultation, send us a message.